Google Play- App Store Optmisation Tips

With more than 2 million mobile applications in the major app stores, getting your app found is one of the biggest issue faced by mobile app publishers today.

According to Forrester, 63% of mobile apps are found via app store searches. This makes search, inside the app store, the most used avenue for discovering and downloading new apps.

Below are some quick tips on optimizing for your app in the Google Play Store:

Application Title: Keep the app title as short as possible, Make sure it is descriptive and clearly explicates what the app does.

Application Description: Clearly and effectively explain what the app is, what it does, and its benefits. Use your keywords not more than 5 times in your app description.

Application Icon: Imperative from branding perspective.

Application Category: You must select category for your application carefully. Properly define your product by a specific category. If your app has multiple categories, try to pick the most appropriate one.

Application Screenshot: Everyone want to see what an app/software or game looks like. Use eye-catching screen shots of your app to create an appealing first impression of your app, this increases conversion.

Application YouTube Demo: This is a relatively new feature in the Play Store. Use this as another sales pitch and highlight all the best parts of your app.

Google Plus: All apps have a Google Plus plugin. The more pluses your app gets, the more visible it will be in the Play Store.

Overall App Ratings & Reviews: This is an important factor for App Store Optimization (ASO). From a conversion perspective also plays a major role, creates a psotive impression about the app. Do everything you can to get positive reviews.

Total Application Downloads: This certainly affects searcher psyche. The more downloads an app has, the higher the chances someone else will download the app as well.

Link Building: Links from popular and authoritative websites helps.

Web Geometrics is an emerging Mobile Application Development Company providing cost effective and innovative solutions to all our clients across the globe.

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